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Huaian Guangfa Quartz Glass Co., Ltd

Contact: Gao Guang

Mobile: 15345174444 Wang Jingli: 15195509351

E-mail: 1028627113@qq.com

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Website: www.guangfashiying.com

Address: Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, Hongze County Zhuba Street 205 State Road 1127 km east side

The difference between quartz glass and ordinary glass

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The difference between quartz glass and ordinary glass

Release date:2017-04-05 00:00 source:http://www.guangfashiying.com Click:

The difference between quartz glass and ordinary glass:

     Quartz glass with silica made of special glass, hardness and transparency higher, quartz glass high temperature, wear resistance, oxidation; and ordinary glass without these advantages; physical properties of different. '

     Ordinary glass glass is mainly silica, sodium silicate, calcium silicate or by adding lead, boron, rubidium and other elements of the mixture; and quartz glass is the main component of pure silica, different components.

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